3 Unused Posters For ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Released

With the DVD, Blu-Ray, and Trilogy Box sets being released December 4, 2012 for the Holidays, it was about time we got something a little new to feed our hunger for probably the greatest film of the year. Thanks to Trailer Park, we get three of the unused posters that were to promote ‘The Dark Knight Rises’. For whatever reason, they were not used.

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The first two are awesome. They’re definitely better than some of the crappy posters or the UK DVD Cover that was released. The last one, I think I’ve seen it before. Or at least the little Bane drawing.

Own ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ on Blu-Ray or DVD OR the Trilogy Box Set on December 4, 2012.

The Walking Dead Season 3 Premiere Review – 3.01 – AMC Fear Fest

The Walking Dead, AMC’s hit zombie show premiered last night, getting 10.9 million viewers, making it the most watched watched drama telecast on basic cable in history. Now on to the question. Was it good? Hell to the Yes.

Premise: The season opens after a undisclosed amount time has passed (It is mentioned they’ve passed the winter, and fan speculation has said anywhere between 3 to 8 months), and the group looks a lot more weathered then they did last season. The group is in a dire situation in terms of amount of supplies, and they’re now on the search for new shelter.

Dialog: The dialog in the episode is fantastic, it’s well written, and delivered perfectly. T-Dog has already said more in this episode, then he said in the second half of season two. The characters have seemed to be tweaked, but it’s not entirely clear that the nerves have calmed, and the writers intended it, or if the writers changed the characters passed on the communities feedback.

Special effects: Once again, the special effects and makeup of Greg Nicotero is fantastic, with it being as real as it gets for a TV show. The zombies guts are great, as well as the zombies faces and bodies. The two armless walkers Michonne has are done well, seeing how they are actual body actors, and not just special effects. The only downside, is that the gun shots seem to be fake, and put in during post production, and because of that, some of the believability is taken away since it seems some of the guns have no recoil.

Characters: The characters are not only strong, but also have great actors portraying them. Andrew Lincoln’s Rick Grimes isn’t as close to his Comic book counter part in looks, and his natural English accent seems to be a little confusing in the southern setting, but his actual character is delivered well. Norman Reedus’ Darryl Dixon is so good, it would be weird if anyone else played him. Steven Yuen’s Glenn is spot on. I think he’s the closest to his comic book counterpart of all the characters, in terms of looks. He also is really good at showing the overall progression of Glenn as a character.

Overall: This episode was a great way to kick off Season 3 of The Walking Dead, possibly the best show on TV right now, and definitely the most popular. Everything is great about this show, from the story, to the effects, to the locations. If you haven’t all ready seen it, go watch it now, and if you’ve never seen an episode, the first two seasons are on NetFlix Instant watch, and if you don’t have NetFlix, go get it, because it’s fantastic, and it’s like $8 a month.

See the promo to episode 2, “Sick” below!

-From the room of Alex_N

‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Blu-Ray & DVD Covers Revealed Along With Boxset

We Switched Sites!


As you might have saw in our post last week, Warner Bros. Youtube channel accidentally let it slip that ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ would be on Blu-Ray and DVD on December 3, 2012. Well, now it is official with Blu-Ray and DVD covers, Limited Edition statue, and Trilogy Box Set covers revealed courtesy of Comicbookmovie.com.

See the UK DVD cover below:

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So first of all, who designed this cover? Second, who approved of this cover? This is ugly. Sure Batman looks cool but look at the rest. It’s just random police cars with the bat behind Batman’s head which we can’t see well. Not to mention that Batman photo is from a different TDKR poster in which they took it from a still in ‘The Dark Knight’. It still looks cool nevertheless, but it still looks stupid. They should’ve hired some fans to do this or had a contest to use fanmade covers. Seriously, some of the stuff people make on the internet is freaking amazing.

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And there is the little statue sort of thing that comes with the limited edition Blu-Ray combo pack. The broken cowl that doesn’t even match up with the way it was broken in the movie but who cares! It’s still cool!

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As you can see, that is the same Batman image used on the UK DVD cover. But anyways, this poster. is starting to grow on me. I like it.

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This is the Blu-Ray trilogy boxset that will be used. It’s pretty simple, but still cool nevertheless.

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Here is all of the contents for the Blu-Ray tril0gy boxset. Pretty cool stuff. Am I right?

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YESSSS. I am so glad that the DVD trilogy boxset has this cover. This concept was fanmade by, you guessed it, a fan. Looks like Warner Bros. came across it and decided to use it. I’ll definitely be getting this.

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And there are the contents of the box set. Just like the Blu-Ray box set pretty much, just a different and better cover.

Pick up ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Blu-Ray or DVD on December 3, 2012.