New ‘Hitchcock’ Clip & Featurette

It’s been a while since the trailer came out to much praise, especially from us here at Retrospect Realm. See our review of the trailer here. Well, today they released a new clip and a featurette.

First, watch the clip.

Nothing much, just a couple added lines to what we saw in the trailer. What I really liked about this clip is Helen Mirren’s weirdo smile and expression at the very end of the clip. Very Norman Bates end scene psychotic smile-esque, eh?

Don’t forget to check out the featurette which has multiple new clips and discusses the importance of Alfred Hitchcock’s wife,

‘Halloween’ 1978 Review – AMC Fearfest

Plot: A psychotic murderer institutionalized since childhood for the murder of his sister, escapes and stalks a bookish teenage girl and her friends while his doctor chases him through the streets.

Director: John Carpenter

Writers: John Carpenter (screenplay), Debra Hill (screenplay)

Alright, so who hasn’t heard of Michael Myers before? Well, I know people who don’t know his name, but they know what he looks like. And the Halloween theme song! Who hasn’t heard that? It sends chills down each and every person’s spine. This is a classic movie and always will be.

Story: But let’s be honest, it was not as good as it was hyped up to be. To me, it just wasn’t as great as it should’ve been for me. Before watching this I heard that ‘Michael Myers goes around in a mask stalking babysitters’. After the first half of the movie, I started to think, ‘Wow. That is all he does’. I then watched Halloween 2 the next day, and now I know why he stalks her… Even so, it’s a nice story. The scares are pretty good. Nothing really jump scare, just a lot of suspense and creepiness. But suspense and creepiness is what really makes this movie great. So that’s all that really matters.

Visuals: For a b-movie, this is great. I loved it. Cinematography, lighting, editing, etc. Everything about this film was great and made it that much more better.

Music: Composed by John Carpenter, this is extremely great and legendary. Not only is this the theme to the ‘Halloween’ movie and the theme for Michael Myers, but one could even argue that this is the theme for Halloween, the holiday. When is it that we have a great director and great composer at the same time?

Cast & Characters: First of all, probably the best thing about this movie besides the music and Michael Myers was Dr. Loomis. He was just so slick and bald and just cool all around. Jamie Lee Curtis was also great taking the crown for scream queen from her mother, Janet Leigh Curtis, who starred in Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Psycho’.

Verdict: Probably the best slasher film you’ll ever see from the 80s and 90s batch of horror films, John Carpenter shows people how it’s truly done.

‘Psycho’ 1960 Review – AMC Fearfest

Story: Now in 1959, famed director, Alfred Hitchcock, announced to Paramount Studios that he was going to make his next film for eight-hundred thousand dollars with his small crew from his TV show at the time, ‘Alfred Hitchcock Presents’, in only a month. So obviously, he got tons of criticism and hate from those at Paramount and from the audiences.

In the beginning of the story, Marion Crane is with her lover taking a extra long lunch break. They then decide that they’ll run away together. By chance, when she gets back to work, she is given $40,000 to put into the company’s bank account. Instead, she still the $40,000 and runs off. After encountering and barely getting away from a very suspicious police officer, she goes and takes a late night stop for a rest at the Bates Motel. She then meets Norman Bates and learns about his stuffed bird collection and his mother. After deciding she’ll return the money, she takes a shower…

Visuals: The cinematography in this film is amazing. Especially the shower murder scene. Going through clip to clip to clip within a time span of less than a second for each little clip.  Blurring out the naked body of Janet Leigh and seeing the black sillouhette of some person… The funny thing is, the knife never even touches her body. Apparently, it touched his barely in like two shots, but who cares. The fast cutting from one angle to another fills in for that which makes it seem like the camera is cutting and slicing through every part of her body instead.

Music: The score by Bernard Hermann is one of the greatest movies scores ever composed. Fitting the film perfectly with those ugly and snnoying screeches of the violins. The film would not be anywhere as good as it is without that music from Bernard Hermann. I watched this in my film class at school for the first time. So I sit right in front of the speakers with them pumped up to the highest volume so the whole class can hear. During one of the murder scenes, the violins began to screech and made me jump back in my seat since I wasn’t expecting it at all. It was pretty funny.

Cast & Characters: Janet Leigh plays her part very well as does Vera Miles. But the real showstopper is the crazed and psychotic man himself, Norman Bates who is played by Anthony Perkins.

Verdict: A legendary film that will live on forever from the acting performances to the infamous shower scene, Hitchcock at his very best.

‘Hitchcock’ Trailer Review – November 23, 2012

So as I’ve said on this site a couple times now, I am looking forward to this film. Well, not only did we get a new poster and some stills, but we have the new full length trailer! Now I am REALLY excited.

Starting the trailer out with the classic Hitchcock quote “All of us harbor the dark recesses of violence and horror… I’m just a man hiding in a corner with a camera… watching”. After hearing that running with just a few clips, it’s practically a given that all people love Hitchcock films or just love films will love this trailer and will most likely love the movie.

We then get into the real stuff. We’ll see Alfred Hitchcock go hunting for his next film after his previous big hit in which someone says that he should go out on top. Helen Mirren, who plays Hitchcock’s wife, Alma, seems like she will be a huge part in the movie. I did not expect this much, but it only makes sense that she is. In this film, we’ll see more of what Hitchcock was like behind the doors of home then we had usually seen with the blank faced suited man who spoke and acted so very seriously.

But no, it won’t be all serious. Throughout the trailer we get some funny remarks such as the “I promised mother, I wouldn’t tell” and the one about Scarlet Johannson’s breasts being “rather large”. I am really pumped for this movie. They also are making a quick hurry to get this out because they think it is Academy Award worthy. And let me tell you, by the looks of this trailer, it certainly does look like it!

‘Hitchcock’ stars Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock, Helen Mirren as Alma Hitchcock, Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh, James D’Arcy as Anthony Perkins, Jessica Biel as Vera Miles and Michael Stuhlbarg as agent Lew Wasserman. Danny Elfman is also set to score the film.

‘Hitchcock’ hits theaters on November 23, 2012. Don’t miss it!

New Poster & Stills For ‘Hitchcock’ Released


Oh yes, some more news on one of the films I am anticipating most within the last months of the year. A brand new poster along with some still photos from shooting have been released for our eyes to feast on.

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I really LOVE this poster. It is made in the style of the old ‘Psycho’ poster back in the day. It shows us glimpses of the main stars along with our first looks at Helen Mirren as Alma and Jessica Biel as Vera Miles.

Along with the new poster, four new stills from shooting were released to the public also. See below:

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Scarlett Johannson looks to be the perfect girl to play Janet Leigh even though her hair looks so much like a wig. Anthony Hopkins looks to be like an exact copy of Hitchcock and James D’Arcy has that weird expression on his face which makes me feel weird… and good that he’s the one playing Norman Bates.

‘Hitchcock’ stars Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock, Helen Mirren as Alma Hitchcock, Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh, James D’Arcy as Anthony Perkins, Jessica Biel as Vera Miles and Michael Stuhlbarg as agent Lew Wasserman. Danny Elfman is also set to score the film.

‘Hitchcock’ hits theaters on November 23, 2012.

First ‘Hitchcock’ Poster Arrives

As you might have seen a couple months ago, the first official image of how Anthony Hopkins would look like as Alfred Hitchcock was released. To our suprise, he looked a lot like Hitchcock.

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But just today, the official first poster for the film was released. It’s very simple, but still, it gives us a second angle at Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock.

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‘Hitchcock’ stars Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock, Helen Mirren as Alma Hitchcock, Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh, James D’Arcy as Anthony Perkins, Jessica Biel as Vera Miles and Michael Stuhlbarg as agent Lew Wasserman.

And Ooooo, guess what? Danny Elfman will be scoring the film! A great cast and a legendary composer along with a decent director, this film should be great!

‘Hitchcock’ hits theaters on November 23, 2012.