‘Chicago’ 2002 Review – Movie Wednesday

Story: Now I”m not one to watch musicals like ever, I don’t even like Greese that much, but this… this was amazing. I watched it in my film class. When the teacher put this on and I saw the menu, I was thinking “Ah dang, a musical for the first film we watched…” But DANG! Was I wrong. This is an almost perfect depiction of fame, lust, selfishness, infamy, deception, corruption, and criminal activities. This is like a Mafia musical. When the Hungarian woman was hanged and everyone cheered, that was a perfect depiction of how sick and twisted and how blood thristy our society is. “They’d like you better if you were hanged”. Roxie was guilty, the Hungarian woman was not.

Visuals: Oh my gosh, I don’t know what I likes the most! The story, visuals, or the music. The way they used lighting in this was amazing. When they talked about death they used red lighting with warm colors. Everything was coded and connected so perfectly. The cinematography was amazing, especially during the dance scenes. Just an amazing film to look at visually.

Music: Now sometimes, I have a problem rating this section since a movie sometimes doesn’t have much music in it, but this certainly does! Catherine Zeta Jones can really sing! I mean like for real! She should become a stage singer for broadway or release and album or something. Richard Gere was pretty boss at singing too. At first I was like, “What the heck, Ricahrd Gere?”. Renee Zellwegger also did great in her numbers.


  • Roxie & Velma: Infamy, Deception, Lust, Greed
  • Mama: Corruption, Control
  • Billy: Corruption, Lust For Success
  • Amus: Victim
  • Hungarian Woman: Victim, Not Guilty

Rewatch Value: Amazing film visually, musically, and story-wise. You need to see this as soon as possible.