If James Cameron Made Jurassic Park

All the time, people always wonder. ”What if (insert director’s name) made (insert cool movie idea)?’ Or ‘What if (insert actor’s name) played (insert character’s name) in (insert movie title)?’ Well, what if James Cameron made Jurassic Park?

“I tried to buy the book rights and he beat me to it by a few hours,” said Cameron. “But when I saw the film, I realized that I was not the right person to make the film, he was. Because he made a dinosaur movie for kids, and mine would have been Aliens with dinosaurs, and that wouldn’t have been fair.”

Of course, everyone loves Jurassic Park. It’s a great movie for everyone to see with amazing visual effects for it’s time and an amazing conept. Aliens with dinosaurs might not have been as popular, since it would not have been apealling to younger people and just to adults. Like James Cameron says, “that wouldn’t have been fair”.

“Dinosaurs are for 8-year-olds. We can all enjoy it, too, but kids get dinosaurs and they should not have been excluded for that. His sensibility was right for that film, I’d have gone further, nastier, much nastier.”

Of course, Jurassic Park had its nasty parts too with dinosaurs eating people and Samuel L. Jackson’s arm. It was also intense with the dinosaurs coming after the people and kids and eating guys while they’re on the toilet. Personally, I do think if James Cameron did make Jurassic Park, it would not be anywhere as good mainly because he’s looking into a horror or really intense suspense for adults.

‘Avatar 4’ To Be A Prequel Says James Cameron

‘Avatar 4’ to be a prequel? Whaaaaat? Are they trying to be like Star Wars? Does that mean the series will start sucking by the time they get to 4?

James Cameron recently spoke to MTV News,

“I have an idea for a fourth,” Cameron told MTV News when we caught up with him at a press event for “Titanic.” (A new collector’s edition of the record-breaking movie hits home video on September 10.) “I haven’t really put pen to paper on it, but basically it goes back to the early expeditions of Pandora, and kind of what went wrong with the humans and the Na’vi and what that was like to be an explorer and living in that world.”

“Because when we drop in, even in the first film in ‘Avatar 1,’ as it will be known in the future, we’re dropping into a process that’s 35 years in to a whole colonization,” Cameron continued of his interest in an “Avatar” prequel. “That will complete an arc and if that leads into more, we’ll start, not imitating ‘Star Wars,’ but it’s a logical thing to do because we’ll have completed the thematic arc by the end of three. The only thing left to do is go back to see what it was like on those first expeditions and create some new characters that then become legacy characters in later films. It’s a plan.”

It sounds to be a good plotline. Of course, it wouldn’t have the same actors since most of them would be kids 35 years before Avatar 1. All that really matters to make a fourth Avatar is that the 2nd and 3rd films are good. But even if they aren’t good, they’ll still keep going all the way to make 4. Since Avatar was the highest grossing movie at the box office to this day, the sequels and prequels are sure to make huge amounts of money also. Maybe not more or just as much, but definitely a crapload.

James Cameron is taking a George Lucas take on his series. George Lucas knew when starting a trilogy, whether it was the first trilogy or the prequel trilogy of Star Wars, that he was going to finish it now matter what.

“We’ve spent two years refining the whole pipeline,” said the filmmaker. “It was a hideously complex process to make that film and a lot has been said about that, but we don’t want it to be done in the same prototypical way as the first one, we want it to be a much smoother workflow just for creativity reasons.”

That “creativity” factor isn’t something to be ignored, either. Cameron said he’s still working on the story for the next two “Avatar” films, a daunting process “because I’m writing two scripts together as one big thing.”

Avatar 2 is said to be ways away and could be released around 2015. Avatar 2 and 3 are being shot simultaneosly, so it is unknown at the moment when the other sequels of Avatar are to be released. At this rate, it could span a decade till Avatar 4 comes out or even Avatar 3.