‘Halloweentown’ 1998 Review – Disney Channel Monstober

Do not get confused, this DID NOT nor will it EVER play on AMC for Fearfest, it’s just a good Halloween movie so we’re reviewing it.

For the kiddies. 😀

Oh how I love Halloween time. That is probably the only time I’ll watch Disney throughout the year (other times would be old Mickey Mouse cartoons). Why do I watch Disney channel (sometimes) during Halloween time? Because that when Cartoon network starts playing all of the Halloweentown movies. I’ve been watching them since I was real little and it helps to let us know that TV movies for kids were once good.

Story: It’s a really unique storyline and it’s perfect for a kids TV movie. We have kids having to solve a mystery and come to the rescue to save their annoying mom and awesome grandmother against a man they thought was their friend.

Visuals: So many cool images and special effects makeup and costumes going across the screen throughout the whole movie. The whole movie scream Halloween day and night (obviously). You know what I mean, it just feels different with a nice feeling on Halloween night and day. One of the things I was really impressed with was all of Halloweentown everywhere. It was filmed on location in Oregon and they really did a great job with the transformation.

Cast & Characters: For a film about three siblings and their grandmother, this has pretty awesome performances. Debbie Reynolds does great as usual too.

Verdict: A great movie for kids to watch during Halloween team with a fun story and interesting visuals.