‘Poltergeist’ 1982 Review – AMC Fearfest

Story: ‘Poltergeist’. What kind of a name is that? It sound so weird and foreign. And for a matter of fact, I believe it is in fact German. Believe it or not, before my high school film teacher had us watch this film in class, I had no idea this movie even existed. But oh boy, oh boy, I do not know how I never knew about this film.

It’s about a ordinary family that is being haunted by a bunch of ghosts who are pissed off since a construction company built the house on a former graveyard and moved the tombstones… but not the bodies.

This film has some pretty intense and frightening moments in it. Probably the worst for me being when one of the scientists goes into the bathroom and rips his face off in the mirror. People used to and still do have nightmares about this.

As a side note, this film is also said to be cursed. It is said that they used real skeletons for the climax scene in the ditch and when the bodies rise out of the water and inside the house since it was cheaper than creating fake skeletons. The scene with the skeletons is much more creepier if you know about this. add to the fact that this film might be cursed, two actors have died not too long after the film came out. The first being Dominique Dunn, who was killed by her boyfriend in the same year the film came out, 1992. The second being Heather O’Rourke who died of a disease at age twelve during the end of production for the third installment of the Poltergeist trilogy.

Music: There is something about Spielberg movies that make it so good. From the camera angles,  the 80s and 90s atmosphere and people, and the music. The music for all Spielberg films make the film so much better. This film in particular had so much impactful movie. It was one of the best parts.

Cast & Characters: As for the creepy old and midget lady, once I first saw her and heard her start talking. I was thinking “Crap, she’s gonna ruin the movie”. But to my surprise, she was in fact funny and fit the party very well since she still gave that sense of being intelligent and wise and knowing exactly what she was doing. Heather O’Rourke was the star of the movie obviously. That creepy “They’re here!” was so awesome and cute, I mean who didn’t giggle or go “What the f*ck” at that. She was perfect for the part.

Verdict: One of the defining moments in horror and paranormal activity films, ‘Poltergeist’ stills stands today as one of the greatest and most frightening films to give you a good scare.