“Assassins Creed III” Teaser Review – Comic-Con 2012

Hey, hey, hey! You didn’t expect it to be this great did you? I know, the video is kind of bad cause some guy took it with his camcorder, so I’ll try to find a better version preferable in HD streaming online sometime later.

So I can’t really review all of the categories since this is a 32-second teaser, so I’ll probably review the original trailer sometime in the future for all of you.

The teaser is pretty self-explanatory. Just a montage of boss clips of fighting and stuff. Beating British people up, etc. Assassins Creed III is looking pretty boss so far. The only thing I’m worried about is the story. Revolutionary War with Assassins? Ehhhh. These guys have pulled it off countless times in years before, so I put my full trust in this game on them.

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